🌱 ivy's garden


it's instagram, except it's not stupid.

another 'fediverse-compatible platform', to join the likes of mastodon or akkoma. this one aims to replace instagram, instead of twitter, like mastodon (and akkoma to an extent) has.

instagram is pretty stupid. it's just facebook, for photos — the concept is fine. it's just that it is facebook. just for photos. goodness mark zuckerberg, just stop it already. — and it's basically become an e-commerce platform now.

why pixelfed over instagram? well, you wouldn't want your precious images to be kept by one of the biggest tech companies, which happens to be quite notorious for selling your data for profit, without regards to your privacy and privacy laws, would you? oh, and it's part of the fediverse. what's that? let's say that it's a spider web which connects many many many social media platforms together, like a bridge. what does that do? it just lets you connect to people who use entirely different platforms from you (as long as it's part of the fediverse), solving the problem of fragmentation.

i recently obtained a pixelfed account on pixelfed.social (@randomivysaur@pixelfed.social). no reason, just wanted to share these 'incredible' images of stupid things (like this) i find outside, since i'm not cluttering this site with that, and no image hosting.
