🌱 ivy's garden

should microblogging have longer posts?

i recently got an akkoma account, and i put it next to my mastodon account.

i did notice the difference in character limits. twitter has about a hundred and fifty (correct me if i'm wrong), and mastodon (at least the instance i'm on) has a limit of five hundred characters. i then turned to my akkoma account, pressed 'compose', and my client told me that i had a five thousand character limit (i don't know about other instances though). that's longer than tumblr's!

should microblogging be that long though? will microblogging platforms be used more than plain old blogs? i mean they're easier to set up, sure. i did also notice that i don't really write that much in each post too. but there's something about these blogs that makes them feel like they're yours, in a sense that you built it, from the colours to the typefaces.

but a blog -- micro or not -- is a blog, no matter where it is. a medium for sharing your thoughts in the form of plain text, for anyone to read.

(oh by the way, i updated some contact info in the whoami page, if you want to look at that)
