🌱 ivy's garden

late blog happy birthday post

i only just remembered my blog is now one year old. amazing, innit?

first i'd heard about bear blog was i think from a link on hacker news that pointed to some random person's blog here, and i saw the subdomain. opened that, and signed up.

then i left it for one month without realising that Herman had approved my blog. first post was around the end of November.

in the beginning, i had a daily posting streak, and actually was on the top of the bear blog discover page at some point. though, as you can see, i hardly write at all. i'm working on that though.

but nonetheless, still happy with how far this nugget blog has gone.

hated this post? i did too, so you can read more of this junk by subscribing to my RSS feed, bookmarking my blog to check on it every once in a while, or better, subscribing to my newsletter which has a bunch of other cool stuff thrown in :D
