🌱 ivy's garden

greyscale nuggetphone screens

bah we don't need material you, get that out of here.

just the other day, I was messing around with my nugget phone, and I looked at the AMOLED theme for the KISS launcher (very simple homescreen, just type for everything).

and it looked really nice honestly, with the added benefit of a longer battery life (for amoled screens, of course). so I decided to go all in, and changed as many things I can to the amoled dark theme.

it was then complete, but there was one thing left. which was everything else. like signal, youtube music, all that. the MIUI reading mode should have been enough since it can turn the screen grey, but it adds a funky-looking texture on the screen, which just destroyed the amoled theme with grey specks everywhere.

and the power of FOSS saved me once more. an app on f-droid, monochromatic, which apparently flicks on a built-in feature available since android 5 that turns the screen grey. no more colours. it only took one adb command, and I marvelled at the beauty that is the greyscale screen.

it saves a couple things, my battery and my eyes. no more colours for me mate. it does actually let colours appear for certain apps like the camera and libretube.

here's an image of the boring nuggetphone:

nuggetphone image

and that is how to create a nice, boring and easy to use (except for when KISS freaks out) nuggetphone. without colours.
