🌱 ivy's garden

google stuff is fun, sans creepy google things

that's right mate this isn't an april fools joke

so, recently, i've been nudged back into using a handful of Google products. why? having to install a new OS on my phone again, editing documents, and just messing around, to name a few.

and i hate to admit; google stuff is cool. stock de-googled android 13 for example, is pretty much nothing compared to android 13 with google, or even google's version of android for their Pixel line of phones. autoreply, nearby share, the very very cool accessibility features (such as live captions and sound amplifier), the emoji workshop for wallpapers, all that stuff. google knows how to make a top notch user experience.
they're also pushing RCS forward to unify text messaging across all the major smartphones (although do note that the only real RCS clients for android are Google Messages and Samsung Messages, with the former being the only one that can use end-to-end encryption as of writing this). RCS may be the thing to just end the messenger wars now.

of course, it would be fun if there wasn't creepy google tracking..

but i'm glad to see at least one of the big tech companies can make a good enough user experience to not suck (cough, microsoft windows, cough)

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