🌱 ivy's garden

english is dying

kind of a misleading title, but how else am i supposed to word it? 'people no longer know how to speak proper english anymore for goodness sake'? i mean, i guess that's kind of the gist of this post.

look around us, on the internet (tiktok's the worst. no, i don't use tiktok, but see tiktok junk everywhere). you won't survive a minute without encountering a stupid spelling or a fatal grammar mistake. sure, english might not be everyone's main language, but even those who have english as their main language do it.

most common being differentiating 'your' and 'you're', saying junk like flys instead of flies, turning every single thing into an abbreviation (come on, we're not texting over SMS using tiny Nokia T9 keyboard anymore), more and more.

it's usually just a mistake they make when talking online, but this stuff gets to you. these mistakes creep over into the real world, hot-wired into your mind.

use english properly please. for yours and our sake.
