🌱 ivy's garden


many should know disroot, but for those who don't, disroot is, as they put it, 'Disroot is a platform providing online services based on principles of freedom, privacy, federation and decentralization'. basically a cooler google, without the tracking, data harvesting and fishy stuff.

they have a variety of services, including email, a Nextcloud instance, a Google Docs alternative (actually two of them), a Zoom and Discord (voice chat) alternative, among other things.

they're all free too, funded solely by donations. of course, the free tier of their services provides only a small amount of storage (for nextcloud, you get 2 gigabytes, you get 1 gigabyte for email). but that's the only limiting factor of not paying, every other thing is free (except some email things like custom domains).

it's nothing too special. email is just plain old email (no fancy encryption like what proton and tutanota offers, though you have PGP to do that). but disroot brings these things for free, when the only other alternatives are private but cost your left arm, or free but sells your data non-stop. they're doing great things here.
