🌱 ivy's garden

dry clouds

cloud storage, or dry clouds (clouds are wet, but you can't possibly wet a computer, can you?) as I call them. a service that lets you store your files online.

but why do we use these though?

some would answer 'to make up for low drive space'. that is true, but you'll also run out of cloud storage sooner or later. and you'll pay a monthly fee for that.

some would say 'to keep my data safe'. but you're taking your files and placing them in the cloud, which is just a big company's large computer. what part of that is safe? just look at iCloud.

if you run out of drive space, invest in a larger hard drive. if you use your cash on, say, Google Drive, soon you would have paid money equivalent to the cost of a larger hard drive. if you want to keep your data safe, get multiple drives and copy them over. then store them somewhere else.

syncing and file hosting are also some selling points for cloud storage. well syncing, you could just do that yourself with a cable. or use syncthing to do it automatically and wirelessly. file hosting can also be done by yourself, though proven to cost a bit of money and brain-wracking. you also could try using torrenting to 'host' files yourself.

just get a larger drive mate.
